Nowadays there is a plenty of CSS front-end frameworks, but the number of really good ones can be narrowed down to just a few. Bootstrap is not only my unique and lovely framework, but undoubtable is the undisputed leader among the available frameworks today. It’s a wonderful toolkit on your way to developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. Technically, it’s not something special than others HTML/ CSS/ JS frameworks (Foundation, Sematic UI, PureCSS etc.), but it provides many resources (third-party plugins, extension, theme builders and so on) than others. This main reason people continue to choose it.
Recently, Bootstrap 4 released with plenty of improvements to reusing and extending variables and general code cleanup. Bootstrap 4 documentation is quite detailed and able to enhance your productivity moving from Bootstrap 3 to the new version or simply trying to learn how to use Bootstrap. One of the most notable change is the drop of the Glyphicons icon font and if you asked me, I would answered, simply: “No problem”! Personally, I am a fun user of Font Awesome library and latest I am testing with Material Design Icons (powered by Google).
Based on my first blog article for the 2018, titled From Gulp to Webpack, I took the decision for an extra blog spot presenting my personal Github repo webpack-bootstrap. If you want to set up your first Bootstrap 4 project using Font Awesome and Material Design Icons, please follow the mentioned steps, below:
- Clone the repo
- Install the dependencies
- Build the sample project
Keep walking on your personal project using state of the art front-end tools and frameworks!
Thanks for reading!
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